COVID-19 Update

1st NOVEMBER 2021 Techtorium Covid-19 & Vaccination Update


Tēnā koutou katoa,


As a Tertiary Education provider and Secondary School contractor we are required by the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020, to ensure all staff, students, contractors and visitors who come on site to Techtorium are fully vaccinated against Covid 19 by 1 January 2022 or once we are approved to go onto the traffic light system.


This means that tertiary and secondary school students who are not fully vaccinated are still be able to attend classes they will just be online connected classes as they have done during lockdowns, rather than attending classes on site.  All of our programmes of study remain focused on a high quality of delivery regardless of the method of bringing this to our students.


Our priority is to keep all of our Techtorium whānau safe and actively engaged in creating IT professionals through excellence in education


Ngā mihi maioha,


Jan Hutchinson


20th SEPTEMBER 2021 Techtorium Covid-19 Update

Today the Government announced Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 until at least midnight Tuesday 5th October ; the rest of New Zealand will also remain at Alert Level 2 and certain bespoke areas will remain at Level 4 (for more information on these locations, please go to


Techtorium staff will be still be available via phone and email, so if you need to get in touch, please do. We ask that you follow all government guidelines and stay home, for more information, follow the link here:

Techtorium’s physical campus will remain CLOSED until further notice. All Diplomas will be taught via online learning. Techtorium staff will be still be available via phone and email, so if you need to get in touch, please do. We ask that you follow all government guidelines and stay home, for more information, follow the link here: 

Regardless of the Alert Level the following will take place:

  1. Regular sanitation will continue to take place onsite if anyone is present.
  2. There will be sanitation stations throughout the institute for equipment and hands if anyone is present.
  3. Contact tracing will still need to take place through the official Government Covid-19 app tracer. This will be on the outside of each door in the stairwell and scattered around the campus.  All visitors will be strongly encouraged to use the app.  Students and staff will also be encouraged to use it.
  4. All students will be expected to bring their own water bottles and there will be no cutlery or crockery available for use.
  5. Anyone who has any symptoms or who is feeling unwell must stay home.


Alert Levels 3 and 4:

  1. All classes for our full-time Diploma students will be available through Zoom only. There will be no onsite classes for full-time Diploma students. Attendance to Zoom classes is mandatory. Let us know if you are having any problems.
  2. All onsite classes for our Secondary School courses will be postponed until we are back at alert level 1. Our Tertiary Pathways Department will be in touch.
  3. The physical campus will be closed but we will remain open as usual albeit electronically.


Alert Level 2:

  1. All classes for our full-time Diploma students will only be available through Connected Class. Attendance to Connected classes is mandatory.
  2. All classes for our Secondary School programmes are on hold until further notice. Update will be provided as we progress through alert levels.
  3. All students will be expected to wash and sanitise their wash their hands frequently, and if sick they must not come onsite.


At Alert Level 1:

  1. As long as there are no restrictions around the numbers of people at a gathering, all classes for our Full-Time Diploma students will be available on-site at Techtorium.
  2. All classes for our Secondary School courses will be available on-site or through Zoom. Check with us regarding individual courses if you have not been notified.